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How to derive value from Velocity.

Written by James McGill
Updated over 8 months ago

There are two ways of deriving value from Velocity:

  1. Understand & Diagnose how your team works to inform and align your team about what’s normal and where there are opportunities to improve.

  2. Act & Optimize your processes to see concrete improvements in the metrics your team finds valuable.

The results of the former are more qualitative, helping with communication and ownership. The results of the latter are more quantitative, boosting business-oriented metrics.

Understand & Diagnose

  • Deeper and more constructive conversations during 1:1s. Having metrics and trends at your fingertips gives you a jumping off point for talking about current problems and long-term goals.

  • Team-wide attention to flat sides. Awareness of where trouble is most likely to brew helps you and your team take preventative action to keep bottlenecks from forming.

  • Higher accountability from engineers and leads. Velocity enables you take a step back from checking in on every step of the process. You can thus hand more responsibility and ownership over to your team, and step in only when necessary.

  • Success metrics for engineering. Velocity lets you find a common language with other departments and better communicate success and improvement over time.

Act & Optimize

  • Concrete individual + team-wide goals. Velocity provides you with metrics that represent work habits, speed and collaboration, so you can leave retros and 1:1s with SMART goals to strive for. Marketing automation platform, Resultados Digitais, used Velocity to work towards pushing smaller pull requests, a metric they were able to decrease 42% over three months.

  • Process efficiency. Seeing how your team works over weeks, months and quarters allows you to discover the underlying causes of lapses in productivity. Healthtech startup Springbuk used Velocity to find the work habits of productive sprints, and create a blueprint for the entire engineering organization, boosting pull requests merged per day 62%.

  • Fight against technical debt. Knowing exactly which parts of the codebase are posing the biggest problems for your teams enables you to take a strategic approach to refactoring. Kickstarter used Velocity to discover and address brittle portions of the application, and, over time, saw a 63% decrease in cycle time.

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