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Industry benchmarks
Written by James McGill
Updated over 8 months ago

Why benchmark?

Industry benchmarks help you understand (a) how you are currently performing compared to other organizations, and (b) what reasonable targets for your engineering metrics might be.

Where do the benchmarks come from?

Our benchmarks are computed by looking at one year of data from several hundred organizations that use Velocity.

In order to make sure our benchmarks are reliable, we scrub contributors that appear to be bots, have non-engineering roles, or are open source contributor rather than employees. We also filter out any organizations that do not have a consistent and substantial flow of new PRs being created over the course of the year.

When are benchmarks updated?

We re-compute benchmarks on a regular basis and publish new benchmarks whenever we see a significant change in the values. We understand that new technologies and developer tools are causing changes in how engineers work and benchmarks need to be timely to be useful.

Our most recent published benchmarks are based on data for the 12 months ending with October 2023.

Where can I find the benchmark values?

High-level benchmark values (generally a median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile) are included in the metric glossaries throughout the Velocity UI and here in the documentation page for relevant metrics.

In order to see exactly how your company stacks up against the industry benchmarks, reach out to your account representative.

Which metrics are benchmarked?

We currently benchmark the following metrics:

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